Fire Marshal

The Fire Marshal’s Office

The Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for the protection of life and property through code enforcement, plans review, fire inspections, and fire cause determination, fire prevention programs, and multi-family dwelling complex inspections.  In addition, Code Enforcement and Health Inspections have been added to the responsibility of the Fire Marshal’s Office.


Fire Marshal’s Office:

  • Inspections:  Conduct and coordinate fire and life safety inspections.
  • Fire Investigations:  Conduct fire cause determination, conduct criminal investigations, and arrest and prosecute violators.
  • Plan reviews: Reviews all plans to ensure that businesses are safe before being opened to the public.
  • Multi-family dwelling complex inspections.
  • Fire Prevention Programs with Clute Volunteer Fire Department.
Steve Upton
Fire Marshal
Office: 979-265-2541 ext. 1111
Cell: 979-482-3990
Fax:  979-265-4551
Cary Roccaforte
Deputy Fire Marshal
Office:  979-265-2541 ext. 1502
Cell:  979-480-3145
Fax:  979-265-4551
Code Enforcement-Health Inspections
Irene Mackay
Code Enforcement Officer/Health Inspector
Office:  979-265-2541 ext. 113
Cell:  979-482-7340
Fax 979-265-4551


Fire Prevention Tips
Cooking Safety
Cooking Safety Checklist
Be Fire-Safe in the Kitchen
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