The City of Clute EMS

City of Clute Emergency Medical Services
231 Commerce Street
Clute, TX 77531
979-265-9653 office 979-265-2547 Fax


The mission of the The City of Clute Department of Emergency Services is to preserve the health, safety and welfare of the City of Clute and the surrounding communities by providing the highest level of emergency services and public education with compassion and excellence. In the workplace, we foster teamwork, value diversity and offer opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The City of Clute EMS staffs 2 BLS with MICU Capable Units 24hrs a day 7 days a week. We also provide 911 EMS coverage for the City of Richwood and their citizens.

CPR Classes:

The City of Clute EMS offers AHA CPR Classes to the public. For more information please email us at


All Emergency Calls go through the City of Clute Police Dispatch  9-1-1 Service.

Billing and Payments:

The City of Clute EMS utilizes the billing expertise of  Koronis LLC. Any billing questions can be answered by calling 979-922-5339.

Payments made by check may be received at the EMS office 8:00 till 5:00, Monday through Thursday. Credit card payments may be made by calling 979-922-5339

Your monthly contribution of $4.50 on your water bill helps the City provide this service.

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